Recreational fishing network for Women in Queensland

Queensland Women in Fishing

In an effort to encourage more women to take up fishing, the Palaszczuk Government has launched a new social media network.

It is estimated that during the 2019-20 financial year some 347,000 women and girls spent time fishing as part of their recreational activities. The Queensland state government is eager to see this number increase across the state and sees this initiative as a way for females to share their skills and to develop role models within the recreational fishing community.  This new program comes at a time that the government is reaffirming their ‘…commitment to the women in fishing and the seafood industry across Australia’ (Minister Mark Furner, June 2022).   Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities Mark Furner said that, “Establishing this Facebook network will boost the already significant contribution woman and girls make to Queensland’s $333.7 million recreational fishing sector” (June 2022).

To join the Women in Recreational Fishing Network Queensland click here

More information about Women in Seafood Australasia (WISA) can be found at: www.womeninseafood.org.au

To read this ministerial media statement in full please go to: https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/95376