
Interested in joining the QRBC?

Membership to the Queensland Recreational Boating Council (QRBC) is offered to recreational boating clubs / organisations and government maritime departments and associated agencies.  Membership is not available to individuals.

Membership Benefits include;

  • Monthly meetings in person (or via Teams) with member delegates.

  • Meetings attended by representatives from most Queensland Government marine departments and associated agencies.

  • Representation of your club / organisation on a number of government task forces, working groups and advisory panels through chosen QRBC delegates.

  • The opportunity for your club / organisation to play a part in waterways decision making.  Decisions that affect how and where we get access to, and how we use Queensland’s lakes, rivers, dams and bays.

  • Where you are in Queensland does not prevent you from being a member.  QRBC represents the boating community throughout Queensland and your involvement, no matter where you are, means that city, regional and remote clubs get to be part of the group and be actively involved.

  • A great chance to network with other like minded people.  Share experiences and ideas, learn from other members and discover what marine activies and government projects are going on around our great state.

The cost of membership is just $75.00 (including GST) per year.  The QRBC is a non-profit group with membership funds used for the operation of the council and when deemed appropriate used to support relevant initiatives, charities, and QRBC member events.

Contract the QRBC for further details.   info@qrbc.org.au