Exciting news from the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, The Hon. Mark Bailey, with the 1000th vessel to be removed under the Palaszczuk Government’s War on Wrecks program being identified.
Minister Bailey said, ‘The 1000th vessel to be removed as part of the War on Wrecks program has been identified
. “Sonda” will be removed from Cabbage Tree Creek at Shorncliffe, which will be a big win for the community and environment 
Stirling Hinchliffe MP The $20 million program has removed a total of 987 abandoned watercraft from Queensland waterways so far, and Sonda will mark the big 1000 in the coming weeks.
The Queensland Recreational Boating Council is delighted to have been involved in the War on Wrecks program from its inception. Des Thomson and Andrew Fielding have been the only two non-government representatives on the War on Wrecks Taskforce. This program has been very successful over the past 4 years with vessels removed from the southern border of the state, right up into the Torres Strait. It has also highlighted the issues that the state (and country) faces as we move into the future with an ageing fleet and an increased number of vessels reaching ‘end of life’.
The QRBC thanks that Palaszczuk Government committing to the removal of derelict vessels from Queensland’s waterways.
More details on War on Wrecks can be found in the interim report.

The 1000th vessel to be removed from Queensland Waterways has been identified.