GCWA improving waterways access at Main Beach

Proud Park Pontoon Upgrad

The Gold Coast Waterways Authority is replacing the pontoon at Proud Park (beside the Sundale Bridge).

With the upgrade anticipated as being completed in June 2022, the new pontoon will be larger than the existing one, making access easier for boaties.

Further details are available at: https://gcwa.qld.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Proud-Park-Pontoon-Replacement-Fact-Sheet-v3.pdf?fbclid=IwAR06mUvN9yyWpQZm6JI5D2RfiUcUNre6dWddndEW56HtQppoXRSqTTLQrKA

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Waterway Authority.